Bottled in Cumbria Walk in Fridge/cold room.
The fridge/cold room built was 12 and a half meters long, 6 meters wide by 3 meters tall.
Bottled in Cumbria has been a very valued customer of ours for several years now. So when they came to us with the idea of replacing their existing walk-in fridge/cold room with newer more efficient fridge unit. We were happy to help!
The warehouse in which the fridge was built presented some challenges, which the lads took in their stride and found amicable solutions. Due to the steel built into the warehouse, the customers were worried about the unit overheating. So the lads mounted the condensers outside on the wall of the warehouse, which will maximise the airflow and prevent any overheating within the machine. It took two and a half weeks in total start to finish. We are very proud of how it turned out.